Monday, April 19, 2010

Spelling #20

Spelling #20

  1. irresistible
  2. island
  3. jealously
  4. judicial
  5. knowledge
  6. laboratory
  7. legitimate
  8. leisure
  9. length
  10. lenient
  11. liaison
  12. license
  13. lieutenant
  14. lightning
  15. likelihood

Visit to find the meanings of the words that you do not know or do not know how to pronounce.


Mrs Yang

Tips on conversation

Tips on conversation:

Do not give one word answer.
Maintian eye contact with examiner.
Bring in your own personal experiences.
Respond to the examiner's prompts.

Tips for Picture Description

Tips on picture conversation:

  • Study the picture carefully. Think about where the picture is set and what it is trying to portray.
  • Identify 203 key areas that you wish to focus your description and interpretation on.
  • Take note of the facial expressions of the people in the picture. You will be able to get a better idea of what the picture is about if you can decipher how the people are feeling. Think of appropriate words to describe the emotions of these people.
  • Remember that you are not allowed to point with your fingers to identify any part of the picture. Instead, use " positional" phrases to show where the object you are describing is positioned.Text Color

Follow the steps below when describing a picture.

  1. Give a general description of what is occuring in the picture.
  2. Go on to describe the most obvious action or situation in the picture. Remember to back up your interpretations with good explanations. For example, you can suggest what you think happened before or after.
  3. Move from descr4ibing the situation to other parts of the picture in a systematic manner.
  4. Conclude by giving your overall impression of the events portrayed in the picture. You may wish to include your personal opinions in your conclusion.

Thursday, April 15, 2010 assignments

Hi all,

I have assigned some assignments to all of you in

Do log in and complete it.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Sports Day 2010

Hi all,
Try spotting Shriya!
Mrs Yang

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Homework 14 April 2010


Maths WB 6B pg 88, 89 and 169
Spelling #19
English Practice Paper 2

Please sign consent form for P6 NAFA test and return the form to me.

I have assigned some tests on for the class. Do log in and complete.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Spelling #19

Spelling #19

  1. independence
  2. independent
  3. indicted
  4. indispensable
  5. inevitable
  6. influential
  7. information
  8. inoculate
  9. insurance
  10. intelligence
  11. intercede
  12. interference
  13. interrupt
  14. introduce
  15. irrelevant

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

To: The Police Inspector

I would like to file a police report on my missing gym bag. I was having my fitness class at Fitness Universe Gymnasium on 20 June 2008. I discovered my Pink Sportspac gym bag was missing from the locker in the female locker room after the class ended at 3.30p.m. The locker was being pried open and I suspected it could be the work of one of the locker room attendants or gymnasium users.

Reported by: Cynthia

Situation Writing

In exams, do write in continuous pro for Situation writing. Be sure to have the 6 points in your writing. Simple language and direct to the point.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Monday, April 12, 2010


Hey pupils,

Click on the link to read more.

Experiment 1: Use a pencil to pick up thousands of grains of rice?


Experiment 2: Cold Hands

Have fun!

Mrs Yang

Sum of interior angles

Sum of the Interior Angles = (N-2) X 180°

where n is the number of sides of the polygon

Homework ( 13 April)


1) English Practice Paper 2. Complete the rest of the paper. Hand in on Friday.

2) Maths Test book. Test 2 & 3. Hand in tomorrow.

3) Revise Area & Perimeter and Forces for Science.

4) Learn Spelling #18.

Mrs Yang


Online assignment

Hi pupils,

Do access for your online assignments!

There are 2 Science and 1 Maths assignments.
Dear pupils,

Do access

Create your own account.

School science code is pm2326

Have fun!

Mrs Yang

Spelling 18

1. heroes
2. hindrance
3. hoarse
4. hoping
5. humorous
6. hypocrisy

8. ideally
9. idiosyncrasy

10. ignorance
11. imaginary
12. immediately
13. implement
14. incidentally

15. incredible

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Health Checkup

Dear pupils,

Take note that your health checkup will be on 16 April 2010 (Friday).

Girls, please come to school in PE attire on that day!

Mrs Yang

Science - Forces

Dear pupils,

Do visit for more information on forces. (Fun links on Forces)

Have fun!


Mrs Yang


Hi class,

Do remember to bring the form for Maths Enrichment course tomorrow.

The vendor will be in school tomorrow!

Please bring along your Health Booklet, P6A Maths WB and English Listening Comprehension.

Next Monday is your EL LC.

Next topic for Maths is area and perimeter, so do read up on it.

Do visit to look at the tutorial on Forces.

Thank you!

Mrs Yang

Monday, April 5, 2010



  • Spelling (Wed)
  • Maths WB 6B pg 7-10
  • Obtain parent's signature for exam schedule, sports day and Maths enrichment course.
  • Revise speed
  • Read up on Science - Forces
  • Bring Maths WB 6A to school

Thank you.


Mrs Yang